Overview of the Awards Ceremony for 18th Asia Pacific Research Prize (Iue Prize)

Overview of the Prize and Selection Process

The Asia Pacific Research Prize (Iue Prize) was established in 2001 to reward outstanding dissertations written in the field of humanities or social sciences about the Asia Pacific region. The dissertations are written by Japanese and overseas students who have completed post-graduate studies and received doctorates from Japanese graduate schools. This year we invited students who received their doctorates after March 2016 to compete for the prize. This includes students who completed their coursework without degree after March 2016, and then received their doctorates afterward. As a result of the strict selection process conducted by the Selection Committee on the theses recommended and gathered from graduate schools all over Japan, Dr. Huang Jie’s dissertation, “A Folkloric Study on ‘Senl’: Analysis of the Regional Social System of River Basins among the Dong (Kam) in Southern China,” Dr. Park Kyung-Min’s dissertation, “Former Japanese Colonial Elites and the Origin of Japanese Foreign Policy towards Korea (ROK): Convergence of Perceptions and Responses to ‘the total property of colonial assets,’ 1945-1953,” and Dr. Aleksandra Babovic’s dissertation, “Justice on Trial: The International Military Tribunal for the Far East Reevaluated, 1945-1956” were selected for a Commendation.


Overview of the Awards Ceremony

At the Awards Ceremony on August 2 2019, the prizes were bestowed on the winners, Dr. Huang Jie, Dr. Park Kyung-Min, and Dr. Aleksandra Babovic by Awaji Conference Representative Director Satoshi Iue. Dr. Huang, Dr. Park, and Dr. Babovic received an award certificate and a prize of 200,000yen for honorable mention. After the reasons for the selection were explained by the Deputy Chairman of the Selection Committee, Shigeyuki Abe, each winner gave a speech.

Winner of 18th Asia Pacific Research Prize (Iue Prize)  Winner of 18th Asia Pacific Research Prize (Iue Prize)  Winner of 18th Asia Pacific Research Prize (Iue Prize)
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