Keynote Proposal 1

"Policies on international population movement and immigration"

Picture Toshitami Kaihara

Toshitami Kaihara
  • President, Hyogo Earthquake Memorial 21st Century Research Institute

The state of international population shifts With the development of transportation technologies and information and communication technologies, globalization is progressing ahead and movement of the international population across the world is increasing. One aspect of this is the occurrence of resultant social issues, such as unemployment, crime and racial discrimination.


The basic approach towards international population shifts There are certain gaps between the various countries in terms of their approach towards these movements of the international population; in the case of Japan, however, the trend is towards investigating the issues proactively, and Japan is moving towards discussions with the international community as a whole.


Debate on population movements in Japan In Japan too, practical issues are being raised as a result of labor shortages caused by falling birthrates, and Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations with Asian countries.


Awaji multicultural coexistence special zone Japan has the potential to create a Japanese-style multicultural coexistence special zone. What about creating this kind of model special zone in Awaji?

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